Getting into the Theatre

Main Lobby

The lobby of Ford’s Theatre (also known as The Atlantic Lobby) is located at 511 10th Street, NW, Washington DC 20004. You can access the main lobby through the double glass doors that are located directly to the right of the garage entrance.


Stage Door

The stage door to Ford's Theatre is located inside the main lobby. Enter the glass lobby doors and walk past the box office and two elevators. You will see a keypad on your right. Before tech begins, you will get an email with the current code.  The code changes for each production, please do not share this code. 

Once through the doors you may turn left to access backstage and the dressing rooms or right to access the house.


4th Floor—Wardrobe, Wigs & Board Room

Should you need to get to the fourth floor of the theatre via our elevator located next to the box office, board the elevator and type in the code followed by # on the keypad in front of you and to the left. When you enter the code onto the keypad, there will be no sound or movement on the viewing screen to let you know you are doing it correctly.  Once the code is entered the screen will say "access granted" then you push the 4th floor elevator button.



Back Alley

This same code can also be used for access from the alley to backstage.  The code again will be followed by the pound sign “#”.



-After Hours

The main lobby doors will be locked at 5:00pm each day throughout tech and a guard will be posted at the double glass doors immediately to the left of the historic Ford's Theatre facade. Use these doors to access the lobby after 5:00pm. If the guard is not at the desk please call Martita (703-772-3205) , Brandon (202-494-4374), or Julia (216-272-1819) and we will let you in.

You will have receive your Ford’s ID badge during your first week of rehearsal.  Always carry your Ford's ID with you and be prepared to show it to Ford’s Theatre or National Park Service staff upon entering the building.




Center for Education and Leadership (CEL)

The Center for Education and Leadership (also known as the CEL) is located directly across the street from the historic theater and to the left of the Petersen House.

The first 4 floors contain the Aftermath Exhibits and gift shop. The 5th through 10th floors house administrative offices.

5th floor - Education Studio, Kitchen & Physical Therapy

6th floor - Education & Artistic Programming Offices

7th floor - Production Offices - Some costume fittings will happen on this floor

8th floor - Development Offices

9th floor - Communications, Marketing, IT & Finance Offices

10th floor - Executive Offices